Hancock United Church of Christ, Congregational
1912 Massachusetts Ave., Lexington MA 02421
781-862-4220 | [email protected]
Chartering Organizations and Scouting
Every scout unit, Troop, Pack or Venture Crew is operated by an organization granted a charter by the Boy Scouts of America. Charter organizations conduct the Scouting program according to its own policies and guidelines as well as those of the Boy Scouts of America. The charter organization appoints a Charter Organization Representative (COR) to serve as the primary interface with the troop. Our chartering organization is Hancock United Church of Christ. Our Charter Organization Representative is Mr. Jim Weston. Jim is a long time member and lay leader at Hancock Church. He also served many years as the Chairman of the Troop Committee at Troop 114 in Bedford, MA. The Charter Organization approves all leaders in the unit, provides facilities and resources for the Troop and helps promote a well-run Scouting program.
About Hancock Church
Hancock Church is a Congregational church affiliated with the United Church of Christ, one of the largest UCC churches in Massachusetts and one of the most active. It has a growing membership of about 900 and includes members previously from many denominations. There are two full time ministers, Paul Shupe and Dana Allen-Walsh. Its church school attracts over 200 children and youth. Hancock Church has a long history of supporting scouting. Troop 119 was the first scout troop in Lexington and Pack 137 is a large, rapidly growing pack. Outside the church office you will find a plaque with a long list of Eagle Scouts from Troop 119. It is the joint mission of the Church and the Troop to continue this wonderful tradition.
Troop 119 welcomes and appreciates the support of its Chartering Organization. For more information about the church, please visit the church's website at Hancock Church of Christ.