Scouts BSA Troop 119 is open to girls and boys and provides them with enriching opportunities for outdoor adventure, leadership and community service. We believe strongly in equality and welcome scouts and leaders of all backgrounds – gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, etc, as does scouting across the Spirit of Adventure Council.
We are a youth led troop and pursue a broad range of outdoor activities including camping, whitewater rafting, skiing, hiking, rock climbing, kayaking, cycling, summer camp and more. We meet on Thursdays (when Lexington Public Schools are in session) from 7:40 to 9 p.m. at Hancock Church, 1912 Mass Ave in Lexington.
We are a youth led troop and pursue a broad range of outdoor activities including camping, whitewater rafting, skiing, hiking, rock climbing, kayaking, cycling, summer camp and more. We meet on Thursdays (when Lexington Public Schools are in session) from 7:40 to 9 p.m. at Hancock Church, 1912 Mass Ave in Lexington.